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Item List


Business Advisory Unit

A dynamic business environment is of vital importance to any economy. New technology, new products and changing attitudes require businesses to react.

Business Licences

Most businesses in Gibraltar require a licence(s) to be able to undertake various activities. Therefore, prior to entering any form of registration or negotiations,

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Business Trades & Professions Registration

Requirements for registering the following


• Certificate of incorporation (Companies House).
• Particulars of directors (Companies House/or Acting Solicitor).
• Application for registration (Employment Service).
• Notice of Terms of Engagement for “working” directors (Employment Service).
• Trade Licence if required.

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EU Funding

Gibraltar has been allocated EU funding for a new seven-year period up to 2013. The Gibraltar European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Competitiveness and Employment Programme has been designed to provide financial assistance and encourage the development of viable and sustainable projects which meet the conditions for EU Structural Funds Support.

Hawkers Licenses

A hawker is any person that sells or offers to sell goods carried on his person or on a vehicle.

To get a Hawkers license, you need to complete an application form which you can obtain from the Environmental Agency at 37 Town Range or you can apply online.

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Setting up a business in Gibraltar

This information is designed for people who want to start a business in Gibraltar. It covers the main legal requirements that you must comply with when setting up in business.


© 2024 by Michael Recagno. Citizens Advice Bureau Gibraltar

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