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Our Services


Ensure that individuals do not suffer through lack of knowledge of their rights and responsibilities or of the services available to them or through an inability to express their needs effectively.

Monday to Thursday

Winter Hours 8:30 - 15:00


8:30 - 14:30

Summer Hours 8:30 - 14:30

Appointments not always necessary but recommended.


We provide advice and assistance with many employment issues. Some of these involve redundancies, company mergers and other changes that are inevitable in a dynamic economy.

Legal Clinic

When first seen by an Advisor and if considered necessary, appointments with

a legal practitioner for a free diagnostic of the clients presenting problem is arranged.  


Counselling means enabling people to look more closely at their problems and clarifying them. People need counselling when they are experiencing a crisis in their lives.

Letter Writing & Form Filling

Assisting the community with letter writing and completion of forms

Money Advice

This role reaches a wide range of people but those likely to face disadvantage are those with low incomes, households where no one has paid work and those where access to mainstream financial services is restricted. 

Advices Young Lives

University life is more often than not an enjoyable experience but for some this excitement could be marred by some anxieties, worries and concerns.

Your Interview

We try to work around a maximum time of 30 minutes for your interview. 

In that time we will attempt to deal with all your enquiry.

The adviser will deal with the most important issues within the time allowed and then ask you to come back for help with any additional matters.

You may be offered an appointment for this purpose.


© 2024 by Michael Recagno. Citizens Advice Bureau Gibraltar

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